What Chew Talkin Bout Willis?

These are the topics that will be presented here, subject to be changed at my discretion. So be prepared.

Act Your Age - Designed to point out actions from adults that are similar to something my one year old might try to pull, but he actually knows better.

Books - I tell you what I'm reading and what I think of it when I'm done. I read for pleasure and I have divergent tastes. Sometimes you will get a serious Faulkner novel followed up by a mindless comic book. Either way, you will get my thoughts on it, for whatever that is worth.

Da Biz - The BMOC's chosen profession is investment banking. No, I don't dress in pinstripes and slick my hair back. I drive a truck, not a Bugatti and my house is a 3 bdr/2 ba abode furnished with Pottery Barn. Yep, no marble bathtubs. But the yacht is on order.

Econ - I was never very good with Macro or Micro, so take these posts with a grain of salt.

Fam - I promise you that these posts will bore you to death, but hey my blog, I can do whatever I want.

La Iglesia - Because the I is capitalized here, we are talking about the Catholic Church. I'm Catholic, but not an Apologist. That also doesn't mean I'm a Cafeteria Catholic either. I try to follow the Church's teaching, but am a sinner and always will be.

Miscellanea - This is the catch all category for one time topics that probably won't be addressed again.

Politics - Personally, I learn towards the right hand side of the spectrum, but what I don't like are people who take a person's words and twist them to try to prove their point. Yeah, I'm looking at you right-wing radio host.

Pond Scum - Politicians, criminals, and all manner of people that fit the category of slimy, despicable jerks.

Smokes - This does not mean Marlboro Reds or Kools. We are talking Dominican fillers and Cameroon wrappers. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

Texas Tea - That's right The BMOC knows a thing or two about the world of oil and gas. You can actually take some of what I say here to the bank.

The Ol Pigskin, Sport in General - What can I say, I was raised in the South. Besides learning how to shoot and fight, the only thing you need to be able to do when you graduate from high school is diagram a post pattern from a trips formation with play action. I also enjoy sports and from time to time will post on something outside of the world of the 100 yard war.